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Countries Iceland 2019 750 Votes Genre Drama Hlynur Palmason.
I look out the window and Winter seems to have taken a vacation lol.

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A White, White day 1.
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Jæææja, hvenar kemst ísland yfir þessar þunglyndis dóp og gubbu myndir. A White, White day in the life. Stop reading and fall asleep 😴 💤. A White, White days. A white white day watch online. Fólk sem reykir gras á skilið að deyja. Nastala chyba při přehrávání videa. V současné kinematografii - tak jako v hudební produkci - často absentuje dynamika. Soundtrack podkresluje celou hrací dobu, neustálé pumpování emocí a adrenalinu otupuje diváka, což vede k potřebě stále větších dávek a v důsledku často vede spíš k nezájmu. Hvítur, hvítur dagur odmítá banalizovat bolest patetickou velkolepostí. Plyne pomalu, dává nám vychutnat každý záběr a zároveň pracuje s obrazem tak, aby nešlo jen o sled hezkých obrázků, ale naopak jimi umě (v duchu detektivek) předkládá střípky do mozaiky děje. Minimalistický snímek snoubí poetiku tiché krásy a určité drsnosti a blízkosti smrti a někdy nelichotivé stránky lidství, lásky a blízkosti, které tím ale nezatracuje. Jen v nezbytných okamžicích vyvolává napětí, které je o to tíživější, o co je s ním nakládáno úsporně. Především obraz, hudba a obecně sound design rozpohybovali scénář, který je cynický a tvrdý, ale zároveň nesmírně citlivý a bolestný. Krásné. (31. 7. 2019) biglion Na začátku hodně přemýšlíte o co tu vlastně jde a co se to děje. Přemýšlíte o tom vlastně celý film, protože slovy to vyjádřeno v podstatě není, což ale není vůbec na škodu. Velmi silně působí i prostředí ve kterém se snímek odehrává a k tomu dobře zvolený hudební podkres. Hlavního hrdinu si dříve nebo později zamilujete i přesto, že mu občas trochu hrabe, ale i do v podstatě smutného příběhu dokáže vložit svoji trochu humoru. (28. 6. 2019) Jenda Mlhavý den, auto padá ze skály. Po dvou letech, které jsou zobrazeny v časosběrném videu přestavby stáje v dům se Ingimundur stále nesrovnal se smrtí své ženy a stále mu nedovolili vrátit se do služby u policie. On si jako terapii zvolil přestavbu domu a starost o vlastní vnučku, která je mimochodem zahraná velice vyspěle, a policie mu jako terapii přidala každotýdenní návštěvy u psychiatra, který ho otravuje hloupými otázkami. Pak jednou získá podezření, že mu byla žena nevěrná, a vypraví se na "válečnou stezku. aby podezření prozkoumal. Režisér a scénárista Hlynur Pálmason se hodně spoléhá na dlouhé střihové záběry a nechává u toho diváka hodně aspektů příběhu domýšlet, aniž by dal jasné odpovědi. TO mě osobně moc nevyhovuje. [Rakkautta&Anarkiaa 2019] 30. 9. 2019) J*A*S*M Islandské pomalé, depresivní filmy o smutných podivínech jsou už subžánrem samy o sobě. Tenhle konkrétní se ale minimálně zpočátku hrozně vleče. Hlavním hrdinou je navíc nesympatický nerudný dědek, který sám nemá pochopení pro nic a pro nikoho, k okolí se opakovaně chová jako debil, ale od jiných lidí by vyžadoval, aby byli bezchybní. A podle filmu bychom mu měli rozumět a sympatizovat s ním. Tedy mám totožný problém jako s nedávnou islandskou Ženou na válečné stezce. Islanďané mi holt evidentně sedí víc, když je přítomen i jejich proslulý černočerný humor. #KVIFF2019 (2. 2019) filmsim Bílý bílý den je ryzím lidským dramatem, jež rozehrává nespočet témat, se kterými se možná jednou budete potýkat i vy sami. Nejedná o převratné dílo, o kterém by se na konci roku mluvilo a umisťovalo se na příčkách nejlepších filmů roku. I bez ovací a širším záběru publika je Bílý bílý den silným filmovým zážitkem, který vám bude nahlodávat myšlenky i několik dnů po zhlédnutí. 8/10 Kompletní recenze zde. (12. 2019) Celosvětová premiéra proběhla 16. května 2019 na filmovém festivalu Cannes (týden kritiků. ( Stoka.

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A white white day full movie. Home » Featured » A White, White Day (Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur) 2019] ‘TIFF Review – A Cold Soul Longing for an Answer Despite the familiarity, grief and loss are still effective themes to elicit emotions from the viewers. ‘A White, White Day (Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur) does exactly what it aims to do. Hlynur Palmasons latest film offers a dark picture shed on a bright but stagnant landscape that perfectly encapsulates the protagonists conflicting heart on his personal loss and defeat. The film walks through the story of Ingimundur (Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson) a former police chief who trying his best to move forward after the loss of his wife until he stumbled upon her belongings that began a suspicion about her extramarital affair. Ingimundur goes to any extremes to find out the truth, even if it leads to a deeper wound rather than a healing path. Similar to A White, White Day (Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur) – Antigone [2019] ‘TIFF Review – A disobedient voice to the absolutes of state It is a very simple story but Palmason was able to lay out the foundation before going straight to the point which makes the succeeding events connect to the bigger picture. Complicating a simple premise could mess up an entire product but this movie did a great job by establishing the setting, vibe and its main character without putting anything unnecessary to the films purpose. It showed the farmhouse Ingimundur rebuilt at a specific distance on a constant frame where the season change signifies the cycle and routine of life moving forward. It could be a tough first act for general audiences as the movie takes its time to develop everything, but for those who are accustomed to slow burners, the intriguing execution will be a selling point as the details are revealed one at a time letting the mystery unravel slowly. Though it doesnt offer anything new or outstanding, the performances and direction gave enough justice to bring the rage and conflict into play. While the focus constantly remains on Sigurðssons portrayal of Ingimundur, the side characters are certainly a part of its strength. They all play a vital part in triggering the different sides to a sorrowful man and how he reacts to the given circumstances. His character is so well-crafted that you feel his grief from all perspectives but also provides an interesting take on his police persona in which he handled his self-investigation with a very methodical approach. With the visually-pleasing landscape of Iceland, A White, White Day (Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur) is able to cater to an immersive environment. The small and isolated rural area added to the gloomy feel of the movie sums up the inner struggle of a weeping heart. The use of natural sound fits every frame and the music score is used only when needed. The lack of reliance on music sets up the mood properly. It allows the audience to follow the story the way it should be understood— an emotion more than a narrative. Also, Read – Synonyms (Synonymes) 2019] ‘TIFF Review – A Chaotic yet Weary look into Identity Crisis For a movie that is able to be simple and mysterious at the same time, A White, White Day is a good character study of a man with a cold soul longing for answers. ★★★ ‘A White, White Day (Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur) WAS SCREENED AT THE 2019   TORONTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL CLICK HERE FOR OUR COMPLETE TIFF COVERAGE A White, White Day (Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur) TRAILER DIRECTOR: Hlynur Pálmason CAST: Ingvar Sigurðsson, Ida Mekkin Hlynsdóttir, Hilmir Snær Guðnason, Björn Ingi Hilmarsson, Elma Stefanía Ágústsdóttir, Sara Dögg Ásgeirsdóttir COUNTRY: Iceland LANGUAGE: Icelandic RUNTIME: 109 MINUTE LINKS: TIFF, IMDb.

Versti kaflinn er 03:11. A white white day 2019 trailer. Wir verwenden Cookies für das beste Erlebnis auf unserer Seite. Weitere Informationen hier. Verstanden. Ingvar E. Sigurðsson tekur við verðlaununum í Króatíu um helgina. Ljósmynd/Aðsend Kvikmyndin Hvítur, hvítur dagur eftir Hlyn Pálmason var valin besta mynd kvikmyndahátíðarinnar í Motovun í Króatíu á laugardagskvöld. Myndin hlaut mikið lof og það var einróma ákvörðun dómnefndar að velja hana bestu mynd hátíðarinnar. Ingvar E. Sigurðsson sem leikur eitt aðalhlutverka í myndinni tók við verðlaununum í Króatíu fyrir hönd þeirra sem komu að gerð hennar, að því er segir í tilkynningu. Frá kvikmyndahátíðinni í Motovun í Króatíu. Ingvar hefur hlotið mikið lof fyrir frammistöðu sína og fékk bæði Louis Roederer Rising Star verðlaunin á Critics‘ Week, einni af hliðardag­skrám Cann­es-kvik­mynda­hátíðar­inn­ar og einnig leikaraverðlaunin á Alþjóðlegu Transilvaníu-kvikmyndahátíðinni í Rúmeníu. Myndin fjallar um lögreglustjóra sem hefur verið í starfsleyfi frá því að eiginkona hans lést óvænt af slysförum. Í sorginni einbeitir hann sér að því að byggja hús fyrir dóttur sína og afastelpu, þar til athygli hans beinist að manni sem hann grunar að hafi átt í ástarsambandi við konu sína. Fljótlega breytist grunur Ingimundar í þráhyggju og leiðir hann til róttækra gjörða sem óhjákvæmilega bitnar einnig á þeim sem standa honum næst. Hvítur, hvítur dagur verður frumsýnd hér á landi 6. september. Gleðin var mikil eftir að dómnefndin kynnti niðurstöðu sína. Ingvar E. Sigurðsson hefur hlotið tvenn verðlaun fyrir leik sinn í Hvítur, hvítur dagur. Ljósmynd/Aðsend.

Brjálað lag. Vel orðað. A white white day film. WooAh this was amazing. Why is nobody talking about how well made the theme song is. 0. A white white day imdb. A White, White day. Sound is so nice close your eyes and picture it, listening from Ohio. Ingumundur lives alone on a desolate farm. He is trying to rebuild his house and is looking after his granddaughter from time to time. He is quiet on the surface, but underneath he is grieving for his recently deceased wife. When a disturbing detail about his wife's past suddenly comes to the surface it threatens to destroy the fragile peace he has created, and affects everyone he loves.
When the movie starts with good few minutes of a car driving down a misty road you know you are in for a long ride. The harsh landscape of the setting is almost a character in the film. It gives the movie almost a magnetic quality. But there's a sense of imminent tragedy lurking underneath it all.
WHITE WHITE DAY tells a seemingly simple story, but is secretive at times, letting the viewers decide for themselves what motivates the characters. And it is often what happens off screen that has the real impact.
The cinematography however goes a bit overboard with still static shots of everchanging nature, as beautiful as they are they quickly turn irritating.
There are wonderful performances from all involved, specifically a tour de force from the lead Ingvar Siggurdson, as he slowly goes to pieces, his anger, pain and frustration tearing him apart on the inside, as he is just sitting there quietly like a bomb ready to go off.
WHITE WHITE DAY has a story to tell and has some interesting characters to match. It is, however first, and foremost an Arthouse film that tries to experiment with cinematography, light and pacing. It also relies on the viewer's attention, but it is a long, slightly depressing movie and not everyone will last the distance. But if you do it is rather rewarding.
Some movies hide the fact that they have little to say beyond the artistic impressions. WHITE WHITE DAY is not such a film.

A white white day watch. LADY SHE IS THE MURDEROUS CLOWN ON THE OTHER END OF THAT BALOON. A white white day music. A white white day movie. 🎉 💥 🏆 Frakkar hrifnir af Ingvari og Hvítum, hvítum degi. Ingvar hlaut leikaraverðlaunin á hinni virtu Angers hátíð og myndin er nú komin í um 50 kvikmyndahús víðsvegar um Frakkland! 🥂 /ingvar-e-verdlaunadur-i-fjorda-sinn-fy… 🎉💥🏆 the French impressed of the white and white, white day. Ingvar received the final prize at the respect of the angers festival and the picture is now in about 50 cinemas around France! 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 Translated. A white white day online. A White, White day by day. Kvikmyndin Hvítur, hvítur Dagur eftir Hlyn Pálmason hefur verið valin til þátttöku á hina virtu alþjóðlegu kvikmyndahátíð í Toronto. Ljósmynd/Maria von Hausswolff Kvikmyndin Hvítur, hvítur dagur eftir Hlyn Pálmason hefur verið valin til þátttöku á hina virtu alþjóðlegu kvikmyndahátíð í Toronto. Myndin verður sýnd í Contemporary World Cinema-hluta hátíðarinnar en hátíðin mun fara fram dagana 5. -15. september. Myndin hefur sömuleiðis fengið þátttökurétt á New Nordic Films sem er haldin samhliða Alþjóðlegu norsku kvikmyndahátíðinni í Haugesund. Ingvar E. Sigurðsson hef­ur hlotið mikið lof fyr­ir frammistöðu sína í myndinni þar sem hann fer með hlutverk lög­reglu­stjóra sem hef­ur verið í starfs­leyfi frá því að eig­in­kona hans lést óvænt af slys­för­um. Í sorg­inni ein­beit­ir hann sér að því að byggja hús fyr­ir dótt­ur sína og afa­st­elpu, þar til at­hygli hans bein­ist að manni sem hann grun­ar að hafi átt í ástar­sam­bandi við konu sína. Fljót­lega breyt­ist grun­ur Ingi­mund­ar í þrá­hyggju og leiðir hann til rót­tækra gjörða sem óhjá­kvæmi­lega bitn­ar einnig á þeim sem standa hon­um næst. Myndin hefur þegar sópað að sér verðlaunum, en hún var til að mynda val­in besta mynd kvik­mynda­hátíðar­inn­ar í Motov­un í Króa­tíu í lok síðasta mánaðar. Hvít­ur, hvít­ur dag­ur verður frum­sýnd hér á landi 6. sept­em­ber.

Gott lag. 108 mín, Aldurstakmark 12 Leikstjóri: Hlynur Palmason Leikarar: Hilmir Snær Guðnason, Ingvar E. Sigurðsson, Ída Mekkín Hlynsdóttir Ingimundur er lögreglustjóri sem hefur verið í starfsleyfi frá því að eiginkona hans lést óvænt af slysförum. Í sorginni einbeitir hann sér að því að byggja hús fyrir dóttur sína og afastelpu, þar til athygli hans beinist að manni sem hann grunar að hafi átt í ástarsambandi við konu sína. Fljótlega breytist grunur Ingimundar í þráhyggju og leiðir hann til róttækra gjörða sem óhjákvæmilega bitnar einnig á þeim sem standa honum næst. Þetta er saga um sorg, hefnd og skilyrðislausa ást. Lesa meira Ingimundur er lögreglustjóri sem hefur verið í starfsleyfi frá því að eiginkona hans lést óvænt af slysförum. Þetta er saga um sorg, hefnd og skilyrðislausa ást.

Critics Consensus No consensus yet. 100% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 11 Coming soon Release date: Audience Score Ratings: Not yet available A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) Ratings & Reviews Explanation A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) Photos Movie Info In a remote Icelandic town, an off-duty police chief begins to suspect a local man of having had an affair with his late wife, who died in a tragic accident two years earlier. Gradually his obsession for finding out the truth accumulates and inevitably begins to endanger himself and his loved ones. A story of grief, revenge and unconditional love. Rating: NR Genre: Directed By: Written By: Runtime: 109 minutes Studio: Join Motion Pictures Cast Critic Reviews for A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) Audience Reviews for A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) There are no featured audience reviews for A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) at this time. See All Audience Reviews A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) Quotes News & Features.

A white white day movie review.

Þu getur sett þá i ÞVOTTAVEL a 30c. A white white day streaming. 141 views December 11, 2019 7. 8K views November 1, 2019 9. 5K views October 12, 2019 11K views October 9, 2019 459 views September 29, 2019 5. 4K views September 27, 2019 7. 8K views September 27, 2019 1K views September 23, 2019 4. 1K views September 22, 2019 8. 2K views September 22, 2019 3. 8K views September 22, 2019 7. 4K views September 22, 2019 4. 1K views September 22, 2019 3. 2K views September 22, 2019 7. 8K views September 22, 2019 6. 7K views September 22, 2019 6. 3K views September 22, 2019 2. 4K views September 21, 2019 9. 7K views September 10, 2019.

I was born in February. Real winter time. During a snowstorm. The snowplow was going down our street & my father ran out and told him I was on the waited until Dad got Mom in the car then he plowed the road all the way to the Hospital. I love it when it snows, I really do. Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur A White, White Day, La Semaine de la Critique of Festival de Cannes In a remote Icelandic town, an off-duty police chief begins to suspect a local man of having had an affair with his late wife, who died in a tragic accident two years earlier. Gradually his obsession for finding out the truth accumulates and inevitably begins to endanger himself and his loved ones. A story of grief, revenge and unconditional love. Credits Contacts Pictures About the film News DIRECTOR Hlynur Pálmason PRODUCTION Anton Máni Svansson SCREENPLAY CINEMATOGRAPHY Maria von Hausswolff EDITING Julius Krebs Damsbo PRODUCTION DESIGN Hulda Helgadóttir CAST Ingvar E. Sigurðsson Ída Mekkín Hlynsdóttir Hilmir Snær Guðnason Björn Ingi Hilmarsson Elma Stefanía Ágústsdóttir Sara Dögg Ásgeirsdóttir Haraldur Ari Stefánsson Sigurður Sigurjónsson Arnmundur Ernst Bachman #2 LITIGANTE & HVÍTUR, HVÍTUR DAGUR Video interview with Hlynur Pálmason Video Interview with Ingvar E. Sigurðsson A look back on the 58th Semaine de la Critique Haut de page Ce site utilise des cookies à des fins statistiques ainsi que pour faciliter lexpérience utilisateur et pour simplifier vos démarches dinscription. En savoir plus.

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A white white day netflix. A White, White day 3. A white white day 2019. A white white day where to watch. All the ones i find have this really annoying static in the back that i cant sleep to any recommendation without that. A WHITE, WHITE DAY Search Film, Company, People... Festivals & Awards La Semaine de la Critique 2019 La Semaine de la Critique Prix Fondation Louis Roederer de la Révélation Contemporary World Cinema @ Karlovy Vary 2019 (Screening) Toronto 2019 (Screening) This name already exists, do you want to replace this search? Discover the new face of Cinando! We worked hard to enhance your user experience and bring you a modernized version of the premier network for film professionals. Easily navigate Cinando and featured market modes Switch at the top header Switch in all individual company Switch in the 'Search in' sidebar in the results pages Access your personal features Open the ‘My Cinando dropdown menu in the right corner of your screen to access your favorite Cinando features. Update your information under the ‘Manage My Data section. content 1 content 2 content 3 Next   > End X.

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