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Countries Iceland 2019 750 Votes Genre Drama Hlynur Palmason.
I look out the window and Winter seems to have taken a vacation lol.

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A White, White day 1.
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Jæææja, hvenar kemst ísland yfir þessar þunglyndis dóp og gubbu myndir. A White, White day in the life. Stop reading and fall asleep 😴 💤. A White, White days. A white white day watch online. Fólk sem reykir gras á skilið að deyja. Nastala chyba při přehrávání videa. V současné kinematografii - tak jako v hudební produkci - často absentuje dynamika. Soundtrack podkresluje celou hrací dobu, neustálé pumpování emocí a adrenalinu otupuje diváka, což vede k potřebě stále větších dávek a v důsledku často vede spíš k nezájmu. Hvítur, hvítur dagur odmítá banalizovat bolest patetickou velkolepostí. Plyne pomalu, dává nám vychutnat každý záběr a zároveň pracuje s obrazem tak, aby nešlo jen o sled hezkých obrázků, ale naopak jimi umě (v duchu detektivek) předkládá střípky do mozaiky děje. Minimalistický snímek snoubí poetiku tiché krásy a určité drsnosti a blízkosti smrti a někdy nelichotivé stránky lidství, lásky a blízkosti, které tím ale nezatracuje. Jen v nezbytných okamžicích vyvolává napětí, které je o to tíživější, o co je s ním nakládáno úsporně. Především obraz, hudba a obecně sound design rozpohybovali scénář, který je cynický a tvrdý, ale zároveň nesmírně citlivý a bolestný. Krásné. (31. 7. 2019) biglion Na začátku hodně přemýšlíte o co tu vlastně jde a co se to děje. Přemýšlíte o tom vlastně celý film, protože slovy to vyjádřeno v podstatě není, což ale není vůbec na škodu. Velmi silně působí i prostředí ve kterém se snímek odehrává a k tomu dobře zvolený hudební podkres. Hlavního hrdinu si dříve nebo později zamilujete i přesto, že mu občas trochu hrabe, ale i do v podstatě smutného příběhu dokáže vložit svoji trochu humoru. (28. 6. 2019) Jenda Mlhavý den, auto padá ze skály. Po dvou letech, které jsou zobrazeny v časosběrném videu přestavby stáje v dům se Ingimundur stále nesrovnal se smrtí své ženy a stále mu nedovolili vrátit se do služby u policie. On si jako terapii zvolil přestavbu domu a starost o vlastní vnučku, která je mimochodem zahraná velice vyspěle, a policie mu jako terapii přidala každotýdenní návštěvy u psychiatra, který ho otravuje hloupými otázkami. Pak jednou získá podezření, že mu byla žena nevěrná, a vypraví se na "válečnou stezku. aby podezření prozkoumal. Režisér a scénárista Hlynur Pálmason se hodně spoléhá na dlouhé střihové záběry a nechává u toho diváka hodně aspektů příběhu domýšlet, aniž by dal jasné odpovědi. TO mě osobně moc nevyhovuje. [Rakkautta&Anarkiaa 2019] 30. 9. 2019) J*A*S*M Islandské pomalé, depresivní filmy o smutných podivínech jsou už subžánrem samy o sobě. Tenhle konkrétní se ale minimálně zpočátku hrozně vleče. Hlavním hrdinou je navíc nesympatický nerudný dědek, který sám nemá pochopení pro nic a pro nikoho, k okolí se opakovaně chová jako debil, ale od jiných lidí by vyžadoval, aby byli bezchybní. A podle filmu bychom mu měli rozumět a sympatizovat s ním. Tedy mám totožný problém jako s nedávnou islandskou Ženou na válečné stezce. Islanďané mi holt evidentně sedí víc, když je přítomen i jejich proslulý černočerný humor. #KVIFF2019 (2. 2019) filmsim Bílý bílý den je ryzím lidským dramatem, jež rozehrává nespočet témat, se kterými se možná jednou budete potýkat i vy sami. Nejedná o převratné dílo, o kterém by se na konci roku mluvilo a umisťovalo se na příčkách nejlepších filmů roku. I bez ovací a širším záběru publika je Bílý bílý den silným filmovým zážitkem, který vám bude nahlodávat myšlenky i několik dnů po zhlédnutí. 8/10 Kompletní recenze zde. (12. 2019) Celosvětová premiéra proběhla 16. května 2019 na filmovém festivalu Cannes (týden kritiků. ( Stoka.

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A white white day full movie. Home » Featured » A White, White Day (Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur) 2019] ‘TIFF Review – A Cold Soul Longing for an Answer Despite the familiarity, grief and loss are still effective themes to elicit emotions from the viewers. ‘A White, White Day (Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur) does exactly what it aims to do. Hlynur Palmasons latest film offers a dark picture shed on a bright but stagnant landscape that perfectly encapsulates the protagonists conflicting heart on his personal loss and defeat. The film walks through the story of Ingimundur (Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson) a former police chief who trying his best to move forward after the loss of his wife until he stumbled upon her belongings that began a suspicion about her extramarital affair. Ingimundur goes to any extremes to find out the truth, even if it leads to a deeper wound rather than a healing path. Similar to A White, White Day (Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur) – Antigone [2019] ‘TIFF Review – A disobedient voice to the absolutes of state It is a very simple story but Palmason was able to lay out the foundation before going straight to the point which makes the succeeding events connect to the bigger picture. Complicating a simple premise could mess up an entire product but this movie did a great job by establishing the setting, vibe and its main character without putting anything unnecessary to the films purpose. It showed the farmhouse Ingimundur rebuilt at a specific distance on a constant frame where the season change signifies the cycle and routine of life moving forward. It could be a tough first act for general audiences as the movie takes its time to develop everything, but for those who are accustomed to slow burners, the intriguing execution will be a selling point as the details are revealed one at a time letting the mystery unravel slowly. Though it doesnt offer anything new or outstanding, the performances and direction gave enough justice to bring the rage and conflict into play. While the focus constantly remains on Sigurðssons portrayal of Ingimundur, the side characters are certainly a part of its strength. They all play a vital part in triggering the different sides to a sorrowful man and how he reacts to the given circumstances. His character is so well-crafted that you feel his grief from all perspectives but also provides an interesting take on his police persona in which he handled his self-investigation with a very methodical approach. With the visually-pleasing landscape of Iceland, A White, White Day (Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur) is able to cater to an immersive environment. The small and isolated rural area added to the gloomy feel of the movie sums up the inner struggle of a weeping heart. The use of natural sound fits every frame and the music score is used only when needed. The lack of reliance on music sets up the mood properly. It allows the audience to follow the story the way it should be understood— an emotion more than a narrative. Also, Read – Synonyms (Synonymes) 2019] ‘TIFF Review – A Chaotic yet Weary look into Identity Crisis For a movie that is able to be simple and mysterious at the same time, A White, White Day is a good character study of a man with a cold soul longing for answers. ★★★ ‘A White, White Day (Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur) WAS SCREENED AT THE 2019   TORONTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL CLICK HERE FOR OUR COMPLETE TIFF COVERAGE A White, White Day (Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur) TRAILER DIRECTOR: Hlynur Pálmason CAST: Ingvar Sigurðsson, Ida Mekkin Hlynsdóttir, Hilmir Snær Guðnason, Björn Ingi Hilmarsson, Elma Stefanía Ágústsdóttir, Sara Dögg Ásgeirsdóttir COUNTRY: Iceland LANGUAGE: Icelandic RUNTIME: 109 MINUTE LINKS: TIFF, IMDb.

Versti kaflinn er 03:11. A white white day 2019 trailer. Wir verwenden Cookies für das beste Erlebnis auf unserer Seite. Weitere Informationen hier. Verstanden. Ingvar E. Sigurðsson tekur við verðlaununum í Króatíu um helgina. Ljósmynd/Aðsend Kvikmyndin Hvítur, hvítur dagur eftir Hlyn Pálmason var valin besta mynd kvikmyndahátíðarinnar í Motovun í Króatíu á laugardagskvöld. Myndin hlaut mikið lof og það var einróma ákvörðun dómnefndar að velja hana bestu mynd hátíðarinnar. Ingvar E. Sigurðsson sem leikur eitt aðalhlutverka í myndinni tók við verðlaununum í Króatíu fyrir hönd þeirra sem komu að gerð hennar, að því er segir í tilkynningu. Frá kvikmyndahátíðinni í Motovun í Króatíu. Ingvar hefur hlotið mikið lof fyrir frammistöðu sína og fékk bæði Louis Roederer Rising Star verðlaunin á Critics‘ Week, einni af hliðardag­skrám Cann­es-kvik­mynda­hátíðar­inn­ar og einnig leikaraverðlaunin á Alþjóðlegu Transilvaníu-kvikmyndahátíðinni í Rúmeníu. Myndin fjallar um lögreglustjóra sem hefur verið í starfsleyfi frá því að eiginkona hans lést óvænt af slysförum. Í sorginni einbeitir hann sér að því að byggja hús fyrir dóttur sína og afastelpu, þar til athygli hans beinist að manni sem hann grunar að hafi átt í ástarsambandi við konu sína. Fljótlega breytist grunur Ingimundar í þráhyggju og leiðir hann til róttækra gjörða sem óhjákvæmilega bitnar einnig á þeim sem standa honum næst. Hvítur, hvítur dagur verður frumsýnd hér á landi 6. september. Gleðin var mikil eftir að dómnefndin kynnti niðurstöðu sína. Ingvar E. Sigurðsson hefur hlotið tvenn verðlaun fyrir leik sinn í Hvítur, hvítur dagur. Ljósmynd/Aðsend.

Brjálað lag. Vel orðað. A white white day film. WooAh this was amazing. Why is nobody talking about how well made the theme song is. 0. A white white day imdb. A White, White day. Sound is so nice close your eyes and picture it, listening from Ohio. Ingumundur lives alone on a desolate farm. He is trying to rebuild his house and is looking after his granddaughter from time to time. He is quiet on the surface, but underneath he is grieving for his recently deceased wife. When a disturbing detail about his wife's past suddenly comes to the surface it threatens to destroy the fragile peace he has created, and affects everyone he loves.
When the movie starts with good few minutes of a car driving down a misty road you know you are in for a long ride. The harsh landscape of the setting is almost a character in the film. It gives the movie almost a magnetic quality. But there's a sense of imminent tragedy lurking underneath it all.
WHITE WHITE DAY tells a seemingly simple story, but is secretive at times, letting the viewers decide for themselves what motivates the characters. And it is often what happens off screen that has the real impact.
The cinematography however goes a bit overboard with still static shots of everchanging nature, as beautiful as they are they quickly turn irritating.
There are wonderful performances from all involved, specifically a tour de force from the lead Ingvar Siggurdson, as he slowly goes to pieces, his anger, pain and frustration tearing him apart on the inside, as he is just sitting there quietly like a bomb ready to go off.
WHITE WHITE DAY has a story to tell and has some interesting characters to match. It is, however first, and foremost an Arthouse film that tries to experiment with cinematography, light and pacing. It also relies on the viewer's attention, but it is a long, slightly depressing movie and not everyone will last the distance. But if you do it is rather rewarding.
Some movies hide the fact that they have little to say beyond the artistic impressions. WHITE WHITE DAY is not such a film.

A white white day watch. LADY SHE IS THE MURDEROUS CLOWN ON THE OTHER END OF THAT BALOON. A white white day music. A white white day movie. 🎉 💥 🏆 Frakkar hrifnir af Ingvari og Hvítum, hvítum degi. Ingvar hlaut leikaraverðlaunin á hinni virtu Angers hátíð og myndin er nú komin í um 50 kvikmyndahús víðsvegar um Frakkland! 🥂 /ingvar-e-verdlaunadur-i-fjorda-sinn-fy… 🎉💥🏆 the French impressed of the white and white, white day. Ingvar received the final prize at the respect of the angers festival and the picture is now in about 50 cinemas around France! 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 Translated. A white white day online. A White, White day by day. Kvikmyndin Hvítur, hvítur Dagur eftir Hlyn Pálmason hefur verið valin til þátttöku á hina virtu alþjóðlegu kvikmyndahátíð í Toronto. Ljósmynd/Maria von Hausswolff Kvikmyndin Hvítur, hvítur dagur eftir Hlyn Pálmason hefur verið valin til þátttöku á hina virtu alþjóðlegu kvikmyndahátíð í Toronto. Myndin verður sýnd í Contemporary World Cinema-hluta hátíðarinnar en hátíðin mun fara fram dagana 5. -15. september. Myndin hefur sömuleiðis fengið þátttökurétt á New Nordic Films sem er haldin samhliða Alþjóðlegu norsku kvikmyndahátíðinni í Haugesund. Ingvar E. Sigurðsson hef­ur hlotið mikið lof fyr­ir frammistöðu sína í myndinni þar sem hann fer með hlutverk lög­reglu­stjóra sem hef­ur verið í starfs­leyfi frá því að eig­in­kona hans lést óvænt af slys­för­um. Í sorg­inni ein­beit­ir hann sér að því að byggja hús fyr­ir dótt­ur sína og afa­st­elpu, þar til at­hygli hans bein­ist að manni sem hann grun­ar að hafi átt í ástar­sam­bandi við konu sína. Fljót­lega breyt­ist grun­ur Ingi­mund­ar í þrá­hyggju og leiðir hann til rót­tækra gjörða sem óhjá­kvæmi­lega bitn­ar einnig á þeim sem standa hon­um næst. Myndin hefur þegar sópað að sér verðlaunum, en hún var til að mynda val­in besta mynd kvik­mynda­hátíðar­inn­ar í Motov­un í Króa­tíu í lok síðasta mánaðar. Hvít­ur, hvít­ur dag­ur verður frum­sýnd hér á landi 6. sept­em­ber.

Gott lag. 108 mín, Aldurstakmark 12 Leikstjóri: Hlynur Palmason Leikarar: Hilmir Snær Guðnason, Ingvar E. Sigurðsson, Ída Mekkín Hlynsdóttir Ingimundur er lögreglustjóri sem hefur verið í starfsleyfi frá því að eiginkona hans lést óvænt af slysförum. Í sorginni einbeitir hann sér að því að byggja hús fyrir dóttur sína og afastelpu, þar til athygli hans beinist að manni sem hann grunar að hafi átt í ástarsambandi við konu sína. Fljótlega breytist grunur Ingimundar í þráhyggju og leiðir hann til róttækra gjörða sem óhjákvæmilega bitnar einnig á þeim sem standa honum næst. Þetta er saga um sorg, hefnd og skilyrðislausa ást. Lesa meira Ingimundur er lögreglustjóri sem hefur verið í starfsleyfi frá því að eiginkona hans lést óvænt af slysförum. Þetta er saga um sorg, hefnd og skilyrðislausa ást.

Critics Consensus No consensus yet. 100% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 11 Coming soon Release date: Audience Score Ratings: Not yet available A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) Ratings & Reviews Explanation A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) Photos Movie Info In a remote Icelandic town, an off-duty police chief begins to suspect a local man of having had an affair with his late wife, who died in a tragic accident two years earlier. Gradually his obsession for finding out the truth accumulates and inevitably begins to endanger himself and his loved ones. A story of grief, revenge and unconditional love. Rating: NR Genre: Directed By: Written By: Runtime: 109 minutes Studio: Join Motion Pictures Cast Critic Reviews for A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) Audience Reviews for A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) There are no featured audience reviews for A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) at this time. See All Audience Reviews A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) Quotes News & Features.

A white white day movie review.

Þu getur sett þá i ÞVOTTAVEL a 30c. A white white day streaming. 141 views December 11, 2019 7. 8K views November 1, 2019 9. 5K views October 12, 2019 11K views October 9, 2019 459 views September 29, 2019 5. 4K views September 27, 2019 7. 8K views September 27, 2019 1K views September 23, 2019 4. 1K views September 22, 2019 8. 2K views September 22, 2019 3. 8K views September 22, 2019 7. 4K views September 22, 2019 4. 1K views September 22, 2019 3. 2K views September 22, 2019 7. 8K views September 22, 2019 6. 7K views September 22, 2019 6. 3K views September 22, 2019 2. 4K views September 21, 2019 9. 7K views September 10, 2019.

I was born in February. Real winter time. During a snowstorm. The snowplow was going down our street & my father ran out and told him I was on the waited until Dad got Mom in the car then he plowed the road all the way to the Hospital. I love it when it snows, I really do. Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur A White, White Day, La Semaine de la Critique of Festival de Cannes In a remote Icelandic town, an off-duty police chief begins to suspect a local man of having had an affair with his late wife, who died in a tragic accident two years earlier. Gradually his obsession for finding out the truth accumulates and inevitably begins to endanger himself and his loved ones. A story of grief, revenge and unconditional love. Credits Contacts Pictures About the film News DIRECTOR Hlynur Pálmason PRODUCTION Anton Máni Svansson SCREENPLAY CINEMATOGRAPHY Maria von Hausswolff EDITING Julius Krebs Damsbo PRODUCTION DESIGN Hulda Helgadóttir CAST Ingvar E. Sigurðsson Ída Mekkín Hlynsdóttir Hilmir Snær Guðnason Björn Ingi Hilmarsson Elma Stefanía Ágústsdóttir Sara Dögg Ásgeirsdóttir Haraldur Ari Stefánsson Sigurður Sigurjónsson Arnmundur Ernst Bachman #2 LITIGANTE & HVÍTUR, HVÍTUR DAGUR Video interview with Hlynur Pálmason Video Interview with Ingvar E. Sigurðsson A look back on the 58th Semaine de la Critique Haut de page Ce site utilise des cookies à des fins statistiques ainsi que pour faciliter lexpérience utilisateur et pour simplifier vos démarches dinscription. En savoir plus.

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A white white day netflix. A White, White day 3. A white white day 2019. A white white day where to watch. All the ones i find have this really annoying static in the back that i cant sleep to any recommendation without that. A WHITE, WHITE DAY Search Film, Company, People... Festivals & Awards La Semaine de la Critique 2019 La Semaine de la Critique Prix Fondation Louis Roederer de la Révélation Contemporary World Cinema @ Karlovy Vary 2019 (Screening) Toronto 2019 (Screening) This name already exists, do you want to replace this search? Discover the new face of Cinando! We worked hard to enhance your user experience and bring you a modernized version of the premier network for film professionals. Easily navigate Cinando and featured market modes Switch at the top header Switch in all individual company Switch in the 'Search in' sidebar in the results pages Access your personal features Open the ‘My Cinando dropdown menu in the right corner of your screen to access your favorite Cinando features. Update your information under the ‘Manage My Data section. content 1 content 2 content 3 Next   > End X.

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Goldie good job🥰. «Goldie» MP3 «Goldie», « ». « » Goldie: 992. Goldie Watch full. Goldie watch full time. Carti is me on a group project. Goldie watch full game. Goldie Hawn Add to Custom List Add to My Collection AllMusic Rating 6 User Ratings ( 0) Your Rating Overview ↓ User Reviews Credits Releases Similar Albums It's a tragedy of pop culture in the new millennium that starlets don't rush willy-nilly into the recording studio anywhere near as much as they used to. Goldie Hawn 's sole foray into pop music. originally released in 1972 on Warner Bros. after Laugh-In but before Steven Spielberg 's Sugarland Express revealed her dramatic range as an actress. isn't Golden Throats -level bad, surely to the disappointment of hipsters everywhere. Although Hawn 's helium-pitched voice is a trifle thin and limited, the selection of material wisely plays to her strengths, with Dolly Parton 's "My Blue Tears" and. believe it or not. Joni Mitchell 's "Carey" both well-suited to her soprano vocals. In fact, the only really egregious errors aren't really her fault: the Frenchified "Butterfly. with its absurdly cheesy choral backing, wouldn't have sounded good sung by anybody, and the countrified take on Van Morrison 's "I Wanna Roo You" has a botched arrangement that slaps on a vaguely oompah-style waltz-time arrangement that suits neither singer nor song. Other than that, though, Goldie is a sweetly endearing country-tinged middle of the road pop record of a style that just isn't being made anymore. blue highlight denotes track pick.

This song makes me wish I had thumpers in my car 😭😭😭. Rocky is underated lyrically. Also as far a his flow and wordplay, id put him over drake. He needs to be more consistent with the hits though. Goldie watch full episodes. 2010-2012 was the best little gap of hip-hop since the '90s ( 1999; Kush & OJ; Taylor Allderdice; Good Kid, M.A.A.D City; Detroit.

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Goldie Watch full length. Goldie watch full movie. @djfakt Dude if I could thumbs up this comment a million times I would! You've hit the nail right on the head. Without Rob Playford (or the capable help of Tom & Jerry under their pseudonyms Tek-9) Goldie would be NOWHERE! He was NOT the creative driving force behind the Metalheadz sound, that was Playford. What has Goldie produced in the period since he and Rob parted ways? Nothing but endless reams of sonic drivel that shows up the gold toothed twat for the talentless mug he really is.

Goldie Watch full article. Whether someone knew horses or not, they could tell Goldie was special. Her love and compassion were always amazing to see and even more amazing to experience. She was the perfect example of what a therapeutic horse should be. Perhaps it was her own personal history that made her so special. "When Goldie first arrived at Ride Atlanta, also known as the Reece Center for Handicapped Horsemanship, outside of Atlanta, Georgia, the mare had a sad look in her eye. recalls Wade Wheeler. Wade had rescued her from a neglectful situation. "We showed her what it was like to be loved. In turn, Goldie poured out more love than imaginable. She turned into a happy, playful horse that understood her purpose in life and loved it. " That purpose was providing Equine Assisted Psychotherapy to hundreds of riders. Goldie was a once in a lifetime horse for those involved with the program, and she would do anything that was asked of her. She was careful with riders and would stop on her own when they would become off balance, not moving again until they were safely in place. She was the horse who was used to introduce new riders who were tentative or afraid of horses. When something new was thrown her way, Goldie never flinched, never balked and never worried. She did what was asked of her, did it happily and confidently. Her wonderful spirit, attitude and love for what she did showed through and kept her going for 42 years. Witnessing what she could do and would do for new and experienced riders alike was truly like watching a miracle unfold. She knew her riders were special, she knew her job was important and it seemed that she gloried in all that she did. Goldie wasn't all work and no play; the mare had a mischievous side as well, sneaking out of her stall better than Houdini. She never went far though, as she was usually just headed to the feed room to get herself a snack. She definitely had her own ideas of what her feeding schedule should be! When it came to work though, she was all business. She settled into being a therapeutic horse both physically and mentally. She loved what she did and it showed every day. In 1996, Goldie carried a Paralympic rider and torch as they passed through the town of Thomaston, Georgia. Prior to that day, due to past unfortunate events with horses in parades, the city officials did not want any horses in the parade. But Goldie's demeanor and presence were so impressive to the entire town during that parade that the city council overturned their no horse policy. The following year, the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship recognized Goldie as the 1997 Equine of the Year. To say that Goldie made an impression on people is like saying the Olympics is just another athletic competition. Goldie left a lasting impression of love and generosity on the hearts of everyone she came into contact with. She spoiled many people and will always be remembered and missed.

Goldie キャラメル Kyarameru " A little bit of happiness is better than a lot of anguish. " Birthday December 27 th ( Capricorn) Initial phrase woof ワン (wan, woof) wuf wuf Initial clothes Hippie Shirt ( AC) Red Check Tee ( WW) Dapper Tee ( CF, NL, PC) Home request A forest of books Skill Dusting Goal Dentist Coffee Blue Mountain, Lots of milk, Three spoonfuls of sugar Style Basic Favorite song K. K. Bossa Appearances AF, AF+ AC, AFe+ WW, CF, NL, PC, NH Regional names Mirza Bienchen Tere Dora 카라멜 caramel “ I'm really into that Lab on the cover of Nintendogs. He's pretty dreamy. ” ― Picture quote, Wild World “ I read in a book that the sun has a strange power to make people happy. Just wanted to share! ” ― Goldie, Pocket Camp Goldie ( キャラメル, Kyarameru? Caramel) is a normal dog villager from the Animal Crossing series, appearing in every game in the Animal Crossing series to date. Her name may serve as an allusion on the breed of dog she might be: a Golden Retriever. Her catchphrase is a popular way to interpret the sound dogs make. Her Japanese name is a reference to the golden brown confection, which matches her sweet personality and her coloration. She appears on the cover for K. Folk and K. Waltz. Appearance Goldie is a caramel-colored dog that looks like a mix between a Labrador retriever and a golden retriever with a few darker patches of beige on her muzzle, paws, tail, and ears. She has a beige spot on her left eye, of which her eyes are a slim, oblong shape colored into a chocolate brown with cream pupils. She initially wears a Hippie Shirt in Animal Crossing, a Red Check Tee in Wild World, and a Dapper Tee in City Folk  and New Leaf. She carries a Toad Parasol on rainy days. Personality Below is a brief description of the normal personality. For more information, click here. Goldie has a normal personality, and frequently acts kind towards the player. Normal villagers generally get along well with lazy, peppy, smug, snooty and other normal villagers. Goldie may conflict with cranky and uchi villagers. As a normal villager, Goldie will usually wake up at 6:00 am and is easier to befriend than most. Both normal and peppy villagers reference an unseen friend known as Moppina. House Goldie's house does not have a specific theme. In Wild World and City Folk, it has a Birch Flooring and a Blue Trim Wall. Her turntable plays K. Bossa. She has a ranch bed, a regal book case, a cream sofa, and a green counter. In New Leaf, her house contains mostly items from the Modern Wood series, like the modern wood shelf, bed, lamp, and wallpaper. She also has a record player that plays K. Bossa. Pocket Camp Goldie's preferred theme is natural. Her profile says: Goldie's luxurious locks are famous for their natural fluff and sweet aroma. Folks always ask her what her secret is, but she just tells them the truth: she doesn't have any secrets. Campsite Invitation Requirements Friendship Level: 1 Furniture/Item Required Materials Price (Bells) Craft Time Ranch Couch 6 cotton 500 1 minute Aloe 6 wood 430 Hammock 3 wood, 3 cotton 420 Worktable 390 Friendship Rewards At level 7 friendship, she will reward you with a dapper tee and sparkle stones (x1. At level 9, she will reward you with sparkle stones (x1. At level 10, she will request that you craft a harpsichord. At level 20, she will reward you with pic of Goldie and sparkle stones (x1. At level 25, she will reward you with sparkle stones (x1. At level 30, she will reward you with sparkle stones (x1. e-Card Letter Back #132 Goldie Gender Female Type Dog Star sign Capricorn Clothes Hippie shirt Petphrase Woof Password 65#MVfMsy5yvmJ tTrGTi6K#Rtllc Profile Some animals think that Goldie is a little dull, but that's just because she's easy to get along with. She tends to agree with what people like to make them comfortable-is that so wrong? ← 131 Chow 133 Bea → amiibo Card Regular #317 Goldie 12/27 Roll value 2 Hand sign Rock Request 316 Zipper 318 Stitches amiibo Festival #402 Goldie 401 Isabelle 403 Stitches Gallery Animal Forest The player talking to Goldie. Animal Crossing Goldie meeting the player. City Folk Talking to Goldie who has fallen into a pitfall. New Leaf The player visiting Goldie in a dream town. Goldie visiting a player's town by camping. (German version) Goldie moving into a player's town. (German version) Goldie requesting an outdoor chair. (German version) Goldie singing because she's happy next to Bunnie. Goldie greeting the player in her house in the morning. Goldie reading a book at the campsite. The player making perfume with Goldie. The player, having picked out Goldie's outfit. Goldie skateboarding next to the player and Butch. Goldie and the player near a campfire. Goldie and Jay dancing Animal Crossing: New Horizons Merchandise Goldie is featured in this toy set, along with the Spooky Wardrobe and the Regal Chair. A close up of the Goldie toy set. Goldie as a plush charm. A Goldie plush in its package. Happy Home Designer In Happy Home Designer, she will ask for a book themed house. If the player adds a stereo to her house it will have Forest Life playing on it. Trivia Her picture quote in Wild World mentions a Labrador, which may contribute to the theory that she is one as well. She is the only character in Wild World to mention another video game in her picture quote. Dogs Villagers Bea • Benjamin • Bernard • Biskit • Bones • Bow • Butch • Champagne • Cherry • Cookie • Daisy • Goldie • Lucky • Mac • Maddie • Marcel • Megumi • Portia • Shep • Walker Special Characters Booker • Copper • Digby • Harriet • Isabelle • K. Slider • Serena.

Watch goldie and bear full episodes. Favorite song from asap rocky 🙏🏻👌🏻. Goldie watch full season. Goldie watch full version. I like the instrumental changes from 1:40 to 2:00. Am i the only one that feels bad for Jaden being left out the Video🤣. Goldie watch full cast. Full movie vodlocker #WATCH(GOLDIE)HDFULLONLINE Goldie English Film Free Watch Online Goldie'Online'Putlocker. Goldie watch full album. Critics Consensus No consensus yet. 100% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 6 Coming soon Release date: Feb 21, 2020 Audience Score Ratings: Not yet available Goldie Ratings & Reviews Explanation Goldie Videos Photos Movie Info Goldie is a star. well, not quite yet, but at least in the eyes of her little sisters Sherrie and Supreme she is. The rest of the world is bound to take note soon too. Her big break surely awaits, she's just got to pick up that golden fur coat she's had her eye on first. And land a role as a dancer in a hip-hop video. And keep child welfare services from separating her from Sherrie and Supreme, after their mother is locked up. Holding onto those dreams isn't easy when fate has placed such daunting obstacles in her path. With Goldie, Dutch director Sam de Jong has delivered a real New York film: raw and glamorous, unflinchingly realistic and relentlessly optimistic, with a ton of heart and at least as much attitude. Rating: NR Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Feb 21, 2020 limited On Disc/Streaming: Runtime: 90 minutes Studio: Film Movement Cast Critic Reviews for Goldie Audience Reviews for Goldie There are no featured reviews for Goldie because the movie has not released yet (Feb 21, 2020. See Movies in Theaters Goldie Quotes News & Features.

"Glittering" Goldie O'Gilt is a female duck who originated in the comics as Scrooge McDuck 's old flame from his Gold Rush days. Background Goldie serving Scrooge his drugged coffee. A young Scrooge first met Goldie at the Blackjack Ballroom, where Goldie worked as a singer. After Scrooge showed his recent gold poke to silence a sneering bartender, the covetous Goldie suddenly showed great interest in Scrooge and invited him for coffee. In an attempt to rob Scrooge of his gold, Goldie drugged his coffee, and Scrooge woke up hours later in a snowdrift six miles from town. After he realized Goldie robbed him of his hard-earned gold, a furious Scrooge returned to the ballroom, and forced Goldie to repay the debt by signing an I. O. U. and helping him work at his claim at White Agony Creek, to teach her a lesson about earning money square, rather than by robbing hardworking miners and stacking cards. [1] History Scrooge and Goldie in The Miner's Granddaughter. Originally created by Carl Barks as a character in the comic Back to the Klondike, Goldie was shown to be a music hall singer in Dawson. Carl Barks drew inspiration for Glittering Goldie's character from Kathleen Rockwell (a. k. a. "Klondike Kate. Barks only used the character once, but Goldie and her relationship with Scrooge were later picked up and expanded upon by other creators. One of these was master Disney artist Romano Scarpa, who wrote and drew Goldie's second comic appearance, The Miner's Granddaughter ( Uncle Scrooge #423) where Goldie leaves her granddaughter Dickie Duck in Scrooge's care and meets Brigitta MacBridge for the first time. Don Rosa also used her in several stories, including his The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck series and his comic Last Sled to Dawson in Uncle Scrooge Adventures #5. Appearances DuckTales Present-day Goldie in " Ducky Mountain High. Goldie made her animated debut in the DuckTales episode " Back to the Klondike. This episode is an adaptation of the Carl Barks comic of the same name. In this story, after she swindles Scrooge of his gold nugget, he threatens to call the authorities if she doesn't pay him back. Rather than getting into trouble, she reluctantly agrees to work to pay back the nugget. While working together the two of them fall in love. She later appeared in the series' episodes " Scroogerello. Till Nephews Do Us Part. where she emerges from the wedding cake to punish Scrooge for trying to marry another woman) and " Ducky Mountain High. In " Scrooge's Pet. Scrooge installs a new lock for his vault and is seen putting the note with the combination in a locket and placing the locket on a statuette of Goldie. She could also be seen on a portrait in Scrooge's home in the episode " Dr. Jekyll & Mr. McDuck. DuckTales (2017) Goldie O'Gilt in DuckTales reboot. Goldie appears in the 2017 reboot series, voiced by Allison Janney. She first appears in the episode " The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains. She is depicted as appearing younger than Scrooge in this version because she found the Fountain of Youth in Ronguay. According to the creators, Goldie is the "Catwoman" to Scrooge's "Batman" she rivals Scrooge in almost everything, including in greed, a fact that Scrooge hates and loves about her. [2] She also has no Southern drawl in this version. As in the comics, Scrooge and Goldie met during the Gold Rush in the Yukon. However, instead of forcing her into working his claim, the two instead searched for the legendary Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains hidden within the caves near White Agony Creek. When facing the Mammoth that lurked there (a live one instead of the frozen corpse in the comics) they became trapped in a glacier for five years and their map to the Lagoon was torn in two by the beast. During the years staring at each other's faces, they fell in love. When Goldie thawed out, Scrooge was left behind and they became rivals in the years since, with a second search for the Golden Lagoon being their first encounter in recent years. In the episode " The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck. Scrooge tells Louie how he met up with Goldie at a town called Gumpton when Scrooge intended to prospect for gold and Goldie had followed him to steal any gold he prospected. Together they stopped John Rockerduck]from stealing the town's gold which would have led to the town's bankruptcy, also setting off a gold rush. This gives Louie the idea to learn how to do business through Goldie. In " Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake. she and Louie attend Doofus Drake birthday party, posing as aunt and nephew with intentions of stealing the valuable gift bags. During the night Doofus sicks a killer robot onto Louie which Goldie ends up stepping in front of B. Y. D. to get him to stop. To her and Louie's surprise, B. shuts down and Doofus praises Louie and Goldie for passing the test. The whole ordeal was a test devised by Doofus to test their bonds of parenthood, just so Doofus could claim Goldie as his new "Goldiemama. Doofus relinquishes the gift bags to Louie and catapults him out. Doofus encases Goldie in a glass prison and forces her to tell him stories. But Louie eventually rescues her At the end of the episode Goldie adds the photo of Louie to her wallet next to Scrooge's with a wistful sigh before walking off into the distance, with the gift bags stolen from Doofus' party slung over her shoulder. Printed media Comics Scrooge and Goldie meet again in Back to the Klondike (first published in 1953. In the Uncle Scrooge comics, Goldie first appeared in Back to the Klondike. Scrooge and Goldie meet again some fifty years later and it is revealed that Goldie is now dirt poor and living alone at Scrooge's former claim in the Yukon. Scrooge travels there to collect her old debt to him (which, at compound interest for fifty years, now amounts to a billion dollars) and turns it into a bet for who can dig more gold. Goldie digs into an area where Scrooge's old gold stash was, so she wins. Scrooge claims to have lost because he forgot the stash due to recent memory problems, but Donald, who knows Uncle Scrooge had just taken his memory medication, deduces that Scrooge lost on purpose. In her appearances in The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, it is (heavily) implied that Scrooge and Goldie fell in love with each other, but never revealed their feelings of affection to one another and eventually drifted apart as Scrooge traveled across the world and acquired his fortune while Goldie remained in Dawson. In Last Sled to Dawson, Goldie appears again, this time owning a hotel in Dawson. Goldie plays a sizeable role as a side-character in a lot of Scrooge's flashbacks related to the Yukon, and she makes a surprise visit during Scrooge's "anniversary" of arriving in Duckburg. Scrooge frequently dreams of past chapters of his adventurous times, with at least one of them involving Goldie. However, according to himself, he always "gets knocked out" before finishing the dream about her in particular. Gallery References External links Glittering Goldie on Wikipedia v - e - d Media Shows/Movies: 1987 series • 2017 series • Walt Disney's World on Ice: Double Feature. Live! • Raw Toonage • DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp • Videography Video Games: Video game ( HD remake / Soundtrack) • DuckTales 2 • The Quest for Gold • Scrooge's Loot Comics: Comic Books ( IDW) Books: Dinosaur Ducks • The Secret City Under the Sea • Dinosaur Valley • Launchpad's Daring Raid • Welcome to Duckburg • Sphinx for the Memories and Sir Gyro Gearloose • The Great Lost Treasure Hunt • Scrooge McDuck and the Big Surprise • Dinosaur Ducks and Jungle Duck • The Hunt for the Giant Pearl • Scrooge's Treasure Hunt • Christmas at the North Pole • Armstrong the Robot and Earthquack • Silver Dollars for Uncle Scrooge • Webby Saves the Day Disney Parks DuckTales World Showcase Adventure Characters 1987 series: Scrooge McDuck • Huey, Dewey, and Louie • Launchpad McQuack • Webby Vanderquack • Bentina Beakley • Duckworth • Chief O'Hara • Shedlock Jones • Gyro Gearloose • Little Helper • Yardarm • Doofus Drake • Fenton Crackshell • Donald Duck • Gladstone Gander • Bubba the Cave Duck • Abominable Snowwoman • Tootsie the Triceratops • Skittles • Blackjack • Poupon • Gene the Genie • Glittering Goldie • Mad Dog McGurk • Feathers Galore • Burt Quackarach • Major Courage • Micro Ducks • Admiral Grimmitz • King Homer • Queen Ariel • Shawebizad • Gandra Dee • McPapa • McMama • Robotica • Beagle Boys • Ma Beagle • Pete • Flintheart Glomgold • Phantom Blot • Dijon • Argus McSwine • Magica De Spell • Minima De Spell • Poe De Spell • El Capitan • Joaquin Slowly • Merlock the Magician • Cinnamon Teal • Dracula Duck • Dr. NoGood • Millionara Vanderbucks • Fritter O'Way • Lawrence Loudmouth • Bruno Von Beak • Armstrong • The Sirens • Circe • Harpies • Yuckalinda • Queen Griselda • Djinni • Terra-Firmie King • Overlord Bulovan • Solego • GICU-2 • Magica's Shadow • The Fear Demons 2017 series: Della Duck • Lena • Captain Peghook • Manny the Headless Man-Horse • Pixiu • Gabby McStabberson • Hack and Slash Smashnikov • Roxanne Featherly • Toad Liu Hai • Mark Beaks • Falcon Graves • Amunet • Sabaf • Toth-Ra • Zeus • Selene • Storkules • Briar and Bramble • Darkwing Duck • Gosalyn Mallard • Megavolt • Don Karnage • Quackerjack • Liquidator • José Carioca • Panchito Pistoles • Fethry Duck • John D. Rockerduck • Jeeves • Gavin • Grandpappy Beagle • Violet Sabrewing • Unicorn • Paddywhack • Negaduck • Daisy Duck • Goofy • Chip and Dale • Monterey Jack • Zipper • Gadget Hackwrench • Kit Cloudkicker • Taurus Bulba • Molly Cunningham • Lieutenant Penumbra • General Lunaris • Neighbor Jones • Steelbeak Episodes 1987 series Season One. The Treasure of the Golden Suns " • " Send in the Clones " • " Sphinx for the Memories " • " Where No Duck Has Gone Before " • " Armstrong " • " Robot Robbers " • " Magica's Shadow War " • " Master of the Djinni " • " Hotel Strangeduck " • " Lost Crown of Genghis Khan " • " Duckman of Aquatraz " • " The Money Vanishes " • " Sir Gyro de Gearloose " • " Dinosaur Ducks " • " Hero for Hire " • " Superdoo. • " Maid of the Myth " • " Down and Out in Duckburg " • " Much Ado About Scrooge " • " Top Duck " • " Pearl of Wisdom " • " The Curse of Castle McDuck " • " Launchpad's Civil War " • " Sweet Duck of Youth " • " Earth Quack " • " Home Sweet Homer " • " Bermuda Triangle Tangle " • " Micro Ducks from Outer Space " • " Back to the Klondike " • " Horse Scents " • " Scrooge's Pet " • " Catch as Cash Can " • " Merit-Time Adventure " • " The Golden Fleecing " • " Ducks of the West " • " Time Teasers " • " Back Out in the Outback " • " Raiders of the Lost Harp " • " The Right Duck " • " Scroogerello " • " Double-O-Duck " • " Luck o' the Ducks " • " Duckworth's Revolt " • " Magica's Magic Mirror " • " Take Me Out of the Ballgame " • " Duck to the Future " • " Jungle Duck " • " Launchpad's First Crash " • " Dime Enough for Luck " • " Duck in the Iron Mask " • " The Uncrashable Hindentanic " • " The Status Seekers " • " Nothing to Fear " • " Dr. McDuck " • " Once Upon a Dime " • " Spies in Their Eyes " • " All Ducks on Deck " • " Ducky Horror Picture Show " • " Till Nephews Do Us Part " Season Two. Time is Money " • " Super DuckTales " Season Three. The Land of Trala La " • " Allowance Day " • " Bubbeo & Juliet " • " The Good Muddahs " • " My Mother the Psychic " • " Metal Attraction " • " Dough Ray Me " • " Bubba's Big Brainstorm " • " The Big Flub " • " A Case of Mistaken Secret Identity " • " Blue Collar Scrooge " • " Beaglemania " • " Yuppy Ducks " • " The Bride Wore Stripes " • " The Unbreakable Bin " • " Attack of the Fifty-Foot Webby " • " The Masked Mallard " • " A DuckTales Valentine " Season Four. Ducky Mountain High " • " Attack of the Metal Mites " • " The Duck Who Knew Too Much " • " New Gizmo-Kids on the Block " • " Scrooge's Last Adventure " • " The Golden Goose " 2017 series Season One. Woo-oo. • " Daytrip of Doom. • " The Great Dime Chase. • " The Beagle Birthday Massacre. • " Terror of the Terra-firmians. • " The House of the Lucky Gander. • " The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks. • " The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra. • " The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest. • " The Spear of Selene. • " Beware the B. System. • " The Missing Links of Moorshire. • " McMystery at McDuck McManor. • " JAW. • " The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains. • " Day of the Only Child. • " From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22. • " Who is Gizmoduck. • " The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck. • " Sky the Sky. • " The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck. • " The Last Crash of the Sunchaser. • " The Shadow War! Season Two. The Most Dangerous. • " The Depths of Cousin Fethry. • " The Ballad of Duke Baloney. • " The Town Where Everyone Was Nice. • " Storkules in Duckburg. • " Last Christmas. • " What Ever Happened to Della Duck. • " Treasure of the Found Lamp. • " The 87 Cent Solution. • " The Golden Spear. • " Nothing Can Stop Della Duck. • " Raiders of the Doomsday Vault. • " Friendship Hates Magic. • " The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee. • " The Duck Knight Returns. • " What Ever Happened to Donald Duck. • " Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake. • " A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill. • " The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot. • " Timephoon. • " GlomTales. • " The Richest Duck in the World. • " Moonvasion! Locations Duckburg • Atlantis • The Money Bin • McDuck Manor • Castle McDuck • Fountain of Youth • Scotland • Notre Duck • Valley of the Golden Suns • St. Canard • Cape Suzette Organizations Air Pirates • F. W. L. • Junior Woodchucks • S. H. S. H. Objects Number One Dime • Junior Woodchucks Guidebook • Gizmosuit • Gene's Lamp • Merlock's Talisman • Sun Coin • Sun Chaser • Harp of Troy • Millennium Shortcut • Gyro's Helicopter • Molecular Manipulator • Golden Goose • Webby's Quacky Patch Doll • Hindentanic • Magic Medallion • Ratcatcher • Jewel of Atlantis • Gummiberry Juice • Iron Vulture • Pirate Fighters • Spear of Selene • Sea Duck • Ranger Plane Songs DuckTales Theme • Three Cheers for Bubba Duck • Boogie Beagle Blues • Moon Stage Theme • Sky Pirates • The Three Caballeros See also Carl Barks • The Disney Afternoon • Darkwing Duck • Quack Pack • Disney XD (Netherlands) • Let's Go to Disneyland Paris.

Goldie watch full show. If they dont play this at my funeral Im not going. Did I see people drinking Rose. Rose whilst listening to DnB. Things just ain't the same. My graphics card is on fire. I hope Nicki find you. Goldie Watch full episodes. This is Awesome. Goldie Watch full review. I was washing you till I was 6 now I'm 10 and I was like omg my OLD favourite YouTuber! Lol🥰. I can see for miles and miles. Cheers dude.

Watch goldie the pig full movie. Rocky: “Mumbling and rambling mumble and rapping mumble rapping i find it hard to find an actual talent i find it hard to find an actual challenge ” Carti and Uzi: 😐😐. Goldie watch full fight. Goldie watch full video. Goldie Hawn 21 1945 , . . , . , , . , , - . - “ ”. 19 , , . . , , . 1967 “ , ”, . 1968 1970 “ ”. 1969 “ ” . . ( ) “ ” “ ”. , BAFTA “ ”. 1974 , “ ”, . “ ”, . “ ” “ ” ( / . 1978 “ ” “ ” . 1980 “ ” “ ” “ ”. 1983 , “ ”. : 1968 “ ”, 1984 “ ” “ ”. 39 Playboy. , “ ” “ ” , . 90- , - , . , 2002 “ - ”. - . : . 2017 SPF-18 2002 1999 1996 , 1992 1991 1990 1987 1986 1984 1975 1974 1995.

Goldie Watch full movies. Quick Links Explore More Show Less Watch on TV Overboard Mon, Feb 03 9:00 PM PST on OVATION (111) Do you have a demo reel? Add it to your IMDbPage Won 1 Oscar. Another 20 wins & 33 nominations. See more awards  » Show all, Edit Filmography Personal Details Other Works: Release of her book, 10 Mindful Minutes. See more » Publicity Listings: 3 Print Biographies, 6 Interviews, 12 Articles, 20 Pictorials, 25 Magazine Cover Photos, Alternate Names: Goldie Jeanne Hawn, Goldy Jeanne Hawn Height: 5' 6" 1. 68 m) Did You Know? Personal Quote: My life is not dictated by outside perception. It's only dictated by the things I choose to do. Trivia: Immediately after the success of The First Wives Club (1996) she, Bette Midler and Diane Keaton were going to make another film together called "Avon Ladies of the Amazon. The premise was about women who sell beauty products in the jungle. The film never got made. In 2015, the trio planned to star in a film for Netflix called "Divanation" as members of a once-popular singing group forced to... Trademark: Blonde hair and big blue eyes ».

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Level 1 I almost cried multiple times reading this right now. All I want to do is give you a hug. I also want to thank Sam Esmail. I dont know, I even feel this comment is somewhat insensitive and not well written. I just don't know how to describe my emotions in a better way. All I hope for you is have enough courage to be a happy individual. I'm sorry for such an ignorant comment, I don't know how to say this better. level 2 Thank you so much for taking the time to read and send this encouragement and your kind words, it really does mean a lot. It's honestly things like this that add up that help me find the strength each day, so I promise to keep doing my best. And I don't feel your comment is insensitive or poorly written or ignorant in any way, so please don't feel like that. I think I get what you mean though. This episode and everything is a lot to process. It's gonna take me a minute to even realize I shared all this. I honestly felt a bit nauseous right before putting this all out there. but I think this maybe is me reaching the point of fuck it, time to flip the script and take back control, to paraphrase Elliot. level 1 Thank you for sharing your story and feelings. I finished reading every word and the tears were streaming down my face, as they did while I watched Elliot in this episode a few hours earlier. I wish I was eloquent enough to have the right words to say to you. I wish I could give you a hug. And that's enough to keep me going right now and get back up. I don't know what I'll do with my life, and maybe that's okay right now. Maybe now I have to learn who I am, who I want to be, and just let it happen. That sounds like you've given yourself the exact advice you need right now. Society might tell us that we should do this or that to a given timetable but that's rubbish in my experience. Take all the time you need. There is no right or wrong of what you should be doing with your life. Take care of yourself. I'm glad there is at least someone in your life who supports you. If you want someone to talk to please feel free to message me. hugs} level 1 Amazing, powerful, brave. Above all very brave. You are a survivor. But more than that, you are a whole person who will heal and reclaim the child in you. I am glad my comment inspired this post, because it is a post that needed to be written. 🙏🙏🙏🙏💕💕 level 1 Wow. Just wow. My god are you a damn strong person. You write this so. eloquently, so clearly. You have a gift for writing, truly! I hope you are doing well and wish you the best, Thank you for this. level 1 High-key relate to the solid friend who is unprepared to deal with trauma and reacts with disbelief level 1 This is maybe trivia, but I don't care: Many of us are carring some heavy emotional weight, but not everyone has strength to share his/her burden. Thank you for sharing, be strong, take care of yourself. level 1 Man, I just want to wish you good luck. I think you are very brave to share this, to have the strength to share this. I can only suggest you that if you had the strength to do this, well, you have a fucking lot of strength. I will try to be the good friend you described to anyone who needs me. level 1 I wish I could find some words of comfort but I am at a loss. You are incredibly strong and brave both for what you went through and being able to talk about it as you did. Stay strong and know everyone here is thinking of you and everyone who has suffered through something like this. level 1 Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sure it wasn't easy for you to write out, let alone share with the world. I wish you growth and prosperity. level 1 Just read every word you wrote here. Beautiful. Don't forget, friend- you are the storm. level 1 Thank you for this! Mucho love from Italy ♥️ level 1 Thank you for all you wrote. I especially appreciate you saying that Krista stabbing Vera was like her protecting you when others that should have didn't. People have commented that you are brave and strong, which you are. but when you don't feel that way, for we all falter, read what you wrote and find strength in yourself again. Find the love that is being sent your way by me and others to support you in your Journey. If you hadn't written we would have never known. Forgive yourself for the poor choices you made when you didn't know the operating system you had running, for we gravitate to the familiar. Inhale and embrace the new! level 1 I wish I could upvote this a thousand times. Thank you for sharing yourself this way. Sending you hugs forever. level 1 I didn't read your whole post because it reminds me too much of some personal shit, but I wanted to give you the biggest thank you to take the time to write it and voice your words. It helps remind everybody who went through such a trauma - that you are not alone. There is a way out of the pain that you'll find in time. I'll keep it to read for later, and as often as needed, because your words are so kind, and I want to remember: We can learn how to own ourselves. level 1 Dont know what to say, except that you are so so brave! This stranger on the internet is proud of you. level 1 This was so beautifully put, thank you for sharing this with us. Wishing you all the best level 1 Thank you for sharing your story and being so brave to speak your truth, particularly so soon after learning it. You are so strong and courageous, even though I'm sure sometimes you may feel like you aren't. I wish you all the best and that you find the calm and support and love that you deserve. level 1 Hello friend. I don't really know what to say right now but I still wanted to leave a comment. I am so so sorry this happened to you. Thank you so much for sharing this- I am glad that this show has helped you, and that it lead to you sharing this story. I wish you all the best. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing this. level 1 Thank you for sharing this. I need to reread it later to help me come to terms with some things and hopefully grow. I didn't think I could grow even more from this childhood trauma than I already have. But there goes this sub, always teaching me. level 1 this is really beautiful! thank you for sharing.


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The only interesting character in the trailer is Kylo Ren. Keirnan Jacob and Mitchell is in this I just might watch it. Heroes S02 - Ep04 The Kindness of Strangers HD Watch - Dailymotion Video. I Think this was a Good Feel Good movie... I felt good after and i will watch it again, to feel good. As an ex-psycholoyy student, it's astonishing to see that people feel obliged to rebel. For instance, this video promotes/demonstrates pure human kindness. And yet in the comment, you will find a surprisingly large amount of rude 'trolls. Just as my faith in humanity was restored, it was disintegrated by comments.

Hahaha Karim Jovian😂is the kindness man, it's true. I've a feeling that this is the first of a series of trailers in which each focuses on a birdy, ultimately culminating in the likely final trailer which will feature the team as a unit. That or it's all HQ all the same way. IT chapter 2 Joker Birds of prey (2020 tho) but 2019 really is the year of clowns. UNFAITHFULNESS #14: The Not-So-Free Battle system. Oh boy, here I go typing again. TL;DR WARNING. More quotes to get this topic started: Combat in Shenmue 3 is also essentially unchanged from previous games in the series, despite the increased resolution and frame rate. Im still taking part in third-person combat with a light and heavy kick, light and heavy punch, and combos you can pull off as you progress. The game features a 3D fighting system similar to the Virtua Fighter series; That second quote is straight from the Shenmue III wiki page. I read things like this and wonder if the people who keep referring to the previous games actually played those previous games. Shenmue III completely DUMPED anything resembling the VF system, even the control scheme. Furthermore, Shenmue & Virtua Fighter never had "light" or "heavy" attacks, so what the HELL are they talking about? Looks like gaming "journalism" still ain't for shit these days. Here's what the combat in classic Shenmue and Virtua Fighter games DID have: Running, Running Moves, Throw Moves, Multi-Throw Moves, Reversal/Sabaki Moves, and Dodging Strikes & Throws. There were even strikes that had additional animations if you hit the opponent at a certain moment (like Shenmue II's "Double Blow" or "Diagonal Wipe. Or strikes that had additional attack options if blocked ( Lunging Strike. Also, a word on the iconic Elbow Assault move: this is the most symbolic "rush" attack in Virtua Fighter history which was handed down to Ryo Hazuki to compliment his Akira Yukiness. It's always been a quick & reliable move in ANY game. except in Shenmue III, where it's slow-as-hell compared to any other Sega game it's ever been in. At the beginning of Shenmue III Elbow Assault is immediately outclassed by quicker, safer, more reliable moves like Cannon Blow, Iron Palm, Stab Armor, and even Double Blow. And holy shit, what did they do to Counter Elbow Assault in this game? There's no actual COUNTER property in it! In Shenmue II it was one of the most rewarding moves you could combo now it's just Elbow Assault's ugly cousin that has down syndrome. Nobody can say that Shenmue I or II's combat was perfect but it definitely had a degree of speed, depth, and reward to it if you took the time to learn more than just "Kick, Kick, Kick. There's no better feeling than learning how to quickly Backdash to make the enemy whiff a strike, immediately input a Forward Dash while buffering the input for Arm Break Fire, and successfully grab-punish the enemy's whiffed strike with the coolest goddam throw move in the entire franchise. Shenmue III has none of that awesome stuff that greatly resembles a refined 3D fighting game. In fact there's a large portion of battle options and move scrolls from I & II that've just vanished, many of them we learned throughout the series that made our movesets feel like part of a legacy that we took the time to build up. This is all because Shenmue III prefers doing moves by dialing-in weird button sequences, even for single-strike attacks. Doing the inputs to perform the moves "Dancing Swallow" and "Four-Sided Kick" took me back to the good 'ol PS1 days of inputting the commands for The Freeway and Cyburbia. It's just so friggin' watered-down. This next part HAS to be a technical oversight: Shenmue III has some moves that "cross over" with eachother because they share the exact same command. For example: Ground Kick, Lawnmower, and Ankle Sweep are all performed by pressing X, X. So in a battle, the first time that you input X, X you'll get Ground then the second time you input X, X you'll get then the third time it will be Ankle Sweep. Afterwards, the next time you input X, X you'll get Ground Kick again and the "move rotation" has started over. What, were, they, THINKING? The only way to make sure you always get the X, X move that you want is by setting it to your R2 button. Interior Dorsal Kick and Spiral Leg also have the same problem (both performed by pressing X, O) as well as a few other moves. This amateur-hour crap never happened in Shenmue I or II. Your input always resulted in the move that you wanted, and in Shenmue II they came up with a good idea to let you "equip" the technique that you wanted for certain inputs if multiple moves shared the same command. Overall, the battling in Shenmue III lacks everything that felt technical or rewarding from the previous games that could motivate you to use other moves. In this game, combat with an opponent starts out smooth, but things start to look and move worse as the fight intensifies. The animations become sloppy and it looks like nothing "flows" right. For example: There are many occasions where a move makes contact with the opponent, damage is even dealt to their lifebar. but the person being hit won't be phased by the move. Sometimes there's just no hitstun or even blocktun despite contact being made. I think this mostly happens if you attack someone whose getting up from a knockdown but it can occur randomly at other times as well. Sometimes you'll cleanly strike someone with a heavy, loud-sounding the person you hit will just stand there for a moment nearly frozen while you recover from the move that you just did, and now you're possibly open to an attack. It's so poorly done. There are also a few oddly animated "canceling" moments where you'll cleanly hit the opponent and for a brief moment they wince like they're about to fall down from your then they IMMEDIATELY attack out of their hitstun even while your fist is still firmly planted inside them by the move you just hit them with. It's all so weird and jerky. On top of that there are some oddball floaty knockdowns that make Virtua Fighter 3 look less ridiculous, some strange knockout animations, and there are silly ragdoll mechanics that look straight out of PS2's The Bouncer. Sure, they make you crack a smile (or shake your head) but only because they look so comically bad. Here's a 3-minute video for visual aid. Pay attention to the lifebars (and Ryo's guard bar) and you'll notice many occasions where Ryo or Gold Dragon just don't flinch while being damaged or while blocking, and moments where they oddly attack immediately after they take a hit or block a strike. There are even moments where someone is getting constantly hit but there's NO sound effect at all. As far as learning how to beat the CPU, the Shenmue III battle system isn't hard to 's just very bare bones and uncreative. The difficulty of winning fights takes a huge drop once you learn the art of chainable multi-hit moves and then you learn to can chain THOSE moves into some hard hitting multi-hit moves (ex. chaining Sudden Shear or Maelstrom Strike into Tiger's Fury or Grievous Strike. Regardless, the fights in Shenmue III start to look worse as the battle get intense and both fighters are just flailing around attacks with nobody actually being stunned by a clean hit or they're immediately canceling out of hitstun & blockstun. Some of the worst-looking slugfests come from this. Shenmue III could benefit from I & II's previous system where if you start wildly throwing out attacks up-front like an idiot then the CPU parries you, which puts you off your balance and now you have to learn how to go on defense (or throw escape) like a real man. But there's nothing technical nor fun about being on defense in Shenmue III, let alone being on offense. And the multi-man battles don't even seem like straight-up gang fights anymore. Everyone coming after Ryo is very slow-moving, the enemies often use paced attacks, and it's like they're only trying half as hard to gang up and beat the shit outta you compared to previous games. The only thing that I thought was cool about Shenmue III was the slowmo effect that occurs when you sidestep an opponent's attack, but this effect ONLY occurs if you're low on health. So if you're doing well in a fight or if you're always using Snake Power to heal (another stupid feature that's not "faithful" to the franchise) then you'll never see that slo-mo effect. I think that covers it. This is not "faithful" Shenmue combat or anything that would make a VF fan stop and say "That looks like Virtua Fighter. It's just a downgrade that doesn't resemble any fighting game. Someone made the observation that the free-walking and string-focused combat was more like Dead or Alive, just without the huge blowback moves, environmental gimmicks, and the underaged squeaky-voiced love slaves beating up grown veteran martial artists. Well, strangely that's a more accurate gameplay comparison than saying Shenmue III plays like Virtua Fighter.

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The Kindness of Strangers Watch. The kindness of strangers watch online full. The Kindness of Strangers Watch online casino. Not eating after midnight is a problem when you've got the munchies 😲. The Kindness of Strangers Watch online ecouter. The Kindness of Strangers watch online. The kindness of strangers watch online gratis. Hi stella. So a little info about me. Firstly I have never worked in retail and don't have that ingrained sense of customer service. Second unlike alot of people of people I've seen on this thread I do not suffer from anxiety or a fear of confrontation. Third I am a big man, VERY big 6'3" 300. So for the storry. It's a little long but bear with me. Important characters Me=Me Psychotic demon spawned harpy Karen=K Store manager=SM Police officer=PO1 I was working over night for a distribution center for a very large online market let's call them zamazon. I was coming off a holiday shift when my mom called and asked me to take her and my aunt to the store to pick up some last minute supplies for their respective holiday dinners. I agreed since 1 I was off the following night and 2 my moms cooking is divine. So we head to Walmart, they both grab carts and head off. Now this was some years ago when the push to talk phones were really popular( this is very important) So as my mom and aunt are shopping I go wander off to the electronics department because I was planning on getting a new laptop. As I'm browsing my phone give off the tale tale ptt chirp, when I check it's my mom, I chirp back and she says that she "needs some help in the baked goods aisle " I tell her I'm on my way turn on my heels and start that way. As I'm clearing the end of the aisle I'm on I here a low "hey excuse me" from the other end of the aisle, I ignore it as mom has summoned me to my sacred son duty. I get to my mom and she asks me to load up a couple 20 pound bags of sugar( she has a bad back so heavy lifting, is a common request when we go places) After fulfilling my tasks like the dutiful son that I am I decide to check on my aunt to ao if she needs any help. I find her a few aisles over st the sodas, and being the human forklift that I am I decide to load them up for her. After my familial obligations are done I turn back to head for the electronics and my future PC. As I make it to the end of the aisle a wild Karen appears. Now when I say Karen I mean capital K. A. R. E. N. from the I want to speak to you manager haircut to the midnight bright neon green running shoes that have never seen a more than a brisk power walk. As she comes just short of causing my voice to go from tenor to soprano, I take a quick step to the side, give a less than enthusiastic sorry and start past, because damnit I want my laptop, this lady grabs my arm and says in a voice that immediately pisses me off, K: Now that you're done screwing around in other departments you need to help me. Now this is before the advent of #idontworkherelady so I am absolutely confused. I'm tired, hungry, and really want to get my laptop. So being the aspiring asshole that I am I look at her, pull free of her talons and start to walk away. Oh was this the wrong thing to do. She lets out a banshee howl and starts a litany of curses that would make Quentin Tarantino say "that was rude. Now this little harpy is cursing me and calling me a lazy n. and telling me K: Look here you lazy, N. You help those to black bitches but can be bothered to help a white person. This is the problem with you people you've forgotten your place. Now by this point I am absolutely shocked that this woman has the nerve to talk to a total stranger like this, when she says the line that clarifies everything, K: you should be fired, a sorry N. like yourself shouldn't even be working in this neighborhood the least you can do is try not to be completely incompetent not that I can expect much from an uneducated stock monkey" Now I'm trying to figure out just how in the hell this Psychopath could possibly think I work here till I remember exactly what I'm wearing, tan cargo pants, a blue tshirt, and my traitorous blue vest with neon reflective accents. Now if she had been civil about this I could have simply explained that I dont work for Walmart and I was sorry for the confusion, however she wasn't so I wasn't, this crazy racist bitch had followed me from electronics and had seen me help both my mom and my aunt, then something that she'd said that hadn't registered yet came forward in my mind like a psychotic honey badger " you helped those two black bitches. Oh hell no this screeching she-beast called my mom and aunt bitches, it's about to go nuclear in this bitch. K: now I need you to stop be so damn lazy an get your sorry ass back over to electronics and do your damn job. Now her tirade has begun to draw attention and faster than she can recover I stick my finger just shy of her nose and cut her off. In my best deadpan, soulless, beast from the ninth circle tone I ask, Me: do I look like I care what you fucking need. She is stunned almost silent, almost. She tried to recover K. how dare you talk to a customer like that? You need to respect your betters. Me: I dare because I don't work here you ignorant racist fucking cunt rag. My betters? I dont know who in the fuck you think your are but if you ever touch me or talk to me like that I will make damn sure you never do it again! By this time a manger and security ( which in this neighborhood are actual police officers) make their way to us and oh boy does it go from nuclear to apocalyptic. Now as I said I'm a big guy and as you can tell from her tirade clearly "not white" and I am shopping in a predominantly white part of my city since that's where my parents live. So as you might guess at first things are not going to go well for me. Big black man yelling and intimidating a petite white woman, I was almost taken away then a there, however its Karen who save me(lol. She turns to the manager and says K: I want him fired and I will be pressing chargers, this is no way for a employee to treat a customer" The Manager looks at me and immediately realizes that something isn't right. He asked Karen exactly what happens, she then goes on a fanciful tale K: He rudely blew me off in the electronics department to come over here and waste time helping his kind and when I told him that he needed to help me blew me off again, when I grabbed his arm to stop him from ignoring me he assaulted me and hurt my hand. It was at this point I could see the expressions of the manager and both police officers shift from daggers of hate in my direction to confusion to grim understanding. Now this woman who had been following me for a least 15 minutes staring hate at me back could not have possibly missed the gigantic Zamazon logo on my back, but apparently her Karen vision was in full effect. SM: Sir can you please explain this behavior. Me: I came in to do some shopping with my mom and aunt, and had gone over to electronics because I wanted a new computer. My mom called me over to help her out and I also helped my aunt out. Then as I was heading back back to electronics she nearly hit me in my soft bits before clawing at my arm and going her rant. Now the entire time I'm putting heavy emphasis on the words mom and aunt, all the while I'm watching the gears in Karen's head turning, I swear you could see when one of those gears slipped a rod, her face goes from beet red and angrily smug, to sheet white and shocked. Although I still dont think she realized I was not an employee she is starting to realize the relationship I share with people she has insulted. She doesn't give up however. K: he... he still shouldn't be prioritizing family while he is on the clock nor should he be browsing merchandise instead of assisting customers. SM: as calmly as possible) ma'am this man is not an employee of this store and according to your own words you have assaulted him as well a harrassed him. K: then why is he in uniform and carrying a radio? Me: Are you that stupid or are you blind did you not see the giant zamazon logo on back the whole time your were following me? K: but. but. the radio? Me: you mean my phone? K: no your radio the one you got the call on from the other employee? Me: other employee. that was my mom you doofus. It's a ptt phone not a radio. PO1 (turns to me) Sir would like to press charges? Me: you bet you ass I do! Now looking Karen square in the face. Me: honestly I would have let this go but a racist, bigoted bitch like you dosen't deserve any pity after all I'm too much of a lazy N. to be bothered to let it go. Karen was promptly cuffed and led away crying like a toddler who's just found out Santa wasn't real, she was charged with assault and harrassment, I was given the option to pursue it as a hate crime due to multiple witnesses who mentioned her racist statements, but I didn't think it was worth it. I was able to finish shopping with my family and to make up for the inconvenience the store manager opened a line and rang is up himself and I'm pretty sure we got his employee discount although no one brought it up. TL;DR Karen pays big time for being entitled, racist, and too stupid to tell the difference between customers and employees. Update: Alot of people are telling me I should have pressed on with the hate crime charges, especially in times like this. I realize I need to clarify a few things. First: this is not a recent event this was roughly the summer of 2007. Second: This Karen came from old money, and by old I mean her people didn't just have people they used to own people. She wasn't Forbes list rich but was still the kind of money that doesn't go to prison( remember affluenza kid) Third: I was 19 at the and social justice for people like me just wasn't a thing yet. Finally: she was roughly around 45 to 50 and if I had added hate crime to her list of charges which included, assault, disturbing the peace, public intoxication( found out later she was drunk) and false testimony to a peace officer, her potential sentence would have extended from 5 to 10 to 20 to 35 and sorry to disappoint but no one short of a true monster should die in prison.

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